Equality Pay
Equalilty PayTransparency and Equal Pay Report for Women and Men 1st Semester 2024
In Brazil, according to IBGE data, women receive, on average, 20.4% less than men, and among black women the difference is even greater, 39.2%.
According to data from the 2022 Annual PNAD, white women dedicated 20.4 hours a week and black women 22 hours a week to domestic and care tasks, while white and black men committed half as much, 11.7 hours a week. . The poorer the family (per capita household income range of up to ¼ of the minimum wage) the greater the number of hours women commit to domestic and care tasks, reaching 24.7 and 24.9 hours per week.
Law No. 14,611, sanctioned by the President of the Republic on July 3, 2023, reinforces the need for equal pay and remuneration criteria between men and women and has, as one of its main innovations, the obligation of private law companies to 100 or more employees to present the Salary Transparency and Remuneration Criteria Report twice a year.(Source)
Consult here
the DS Salary Transparency and Remuneration Criteria Report for the 1st Semester of 2024.
Consult here
the DS Salary Transparency and Remuneration Criteria Report for the 2st Semester of 2024.