policy privacy

privacy police


One of DS's corporate Values is Ethics. Transparency, integrity, valuing the human being, and respect for the norms and rules of society are an integral part of all the company's actions.

Accordingly, with respect to personal information, we follow the principle that, as you are the owner of your personal information, we fully understand and respect your concern about how we use this data.

This Privacy Policy has the main purpose of clarifying the practices adopted by DS regarding personal information and your privacy. In case of doubts, we advise you to contact us through the Contact Us form available on our website.

Right pertaining to Personal Data Holders

Privacy and protection of personal data is nothing new in the national territory. The issue, however, took on greater importance with the enactment of Law 13.709/2018, of August 14, 2018, known as the General Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados – LGPD).

In its article 1 - and reinforced in article 17 - the LGPD states that its main objective is to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the natural person's personality.

  1. Article 18 of the aforementioned Law presents the following rights maintained by data holders:
  2. Confirmation of the existence of a process related to your data's treatment;
  3. Access to your data;
  4. Correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data;
  5. The anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive, or otherwise processed personal data that does not comply with the law;
  6. Data portability to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;
  7. Elimination of personal data processed with your consent, subject to the exceptions provided for in the Law;
  8. Information on which entities, public or private, the data controller shares your information;
  9. Information about the possibility of not providing consent and about the consequences of denial;
  10. Possibility of revoking your consent, subject to the provision contained in the Law.

It is noteworthy that the items above are compatible with the text of the Law, and are not necessarily an exact transcription. Reading Law 13.709/2018 is essential for understanding your rights.

In case of doubts or need to exercise your rights, we advise you to contact us through the 'Contact' form available on our website.

The legislation also established the National Data Protection Authority, which will help data holders to exercise their rights.

Collection of Personal Data

It is important for you to know who is responsible for collecting and processing your personal data.

Personal information collected by DS, whether by any means or technology, will have the company itself as the controlling agent and the party responsible for the treatment of such data.

Personal Data Collected

LGPD provides that personal data is any information that identifies or may identify a data subject, that is, a natural person.

DS requests the personal data necessary for establishing commercial agreements, drafting contracts, effectively providing services, and improving the experience with the business unit that serves you directly.

Such information is requested directly from people and/or can be automatically collected through digital contact.

It is important to highlight that the data subject is not obliged to provide us with any information. However, the denial may prevent the offer of a product and/or service or even cloud the quality of the provision of services.

Purpose and Treatment

DS collects your personal data for the main purposes of:

  • Provide people with an experience of excellence, with continuous improvement;
  • Compliance with legal obligations.
  • The details of these macro goals include:
  • Development and improvement of specific and/or personalized products and services, within the scope of service to the business units;
  • Identification of people who contact us by telematic means;
  • Establishment of a commercial agreement with strict legal compliance;
  • Understanding the needs of the universe of customers and potential customers;
  • Monitoring of the existing payment/receipt account for the provision of services and/or sale of products;
  • Satisfaction of customer needs and/or demands;
  • Business organization management;
  • Provision, when applicable, the contractual guarantee of the product and/or service sold;
  • Elaboration of specific and personalized campaigns and promotions.

In case of doubts, we advise you to contact us through the 'Contact' form available on our website.

Sharing of Personal Data

Your personal data is essentially shared to:

  • Legal determination: compliance with a request from a competent official authority.
  • Suppliers: for strict compliance with commercial agreements for the provision of services and/or sale/delivery of products.

In case of doubts, we advise you to contact us through the 'Contact' form available on our website.

Personal Data Protection

DS invests in the security of personal data. Such investments include technology tools; quality and safety methodologies; continuous improvement of operational and management procedures; compliance programs; training and engagement of people.

Access to personal data is restricted to employees of the business organization and to those who, in strict need for professional activities, need access; in the latter case, when third parties, there is legal protection through contractual clauses of secrecy and confidentiality.

We always aim to meet the information security pillars of confidentiality, integrity, availability, non-repudiation, and authenticity.

Personal Data Storage Time

The personal information we collect is stored for the following purposes:

  1. Provide people with an experience of excellence, with continuous improvement;
  2. Compliance with legal obligations

Personal data will be anonymized or permanently deleted when the purposes for which they were collected are fulfilled. The activity to review the need to maintain the personal data collected will be carried out annually.


DS, in compliance with Brazilian legislation on data protection, appointed Glauco Alves Pereira as the Company's Data Protection Officer. Glauco can be contacted, by correspondence, at Distrito Ind. Dr. Ulisses Guimarães, Av. José Abbas Casseb, 75, São José do Rio Preto - SP, 15092-606, or by email at dpo@ds.ind.br.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your data.

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy or the processing of your data - as well as complaints - please direct them to the Data Protection Officer so that we can carry out all necessary surveys and provide a response within a maximum period of 15 (fifteen days).